What is Feng Shui ?


Feng Shui may be an old science but it remains relevant and viable in modern life. Our fundamental desires are to be happy and healthy; and to attain fulfilment and satisfaction.



Simply put, Feng Shui is both an art and a science. Originating in China over 3,000 years ago, literally translated: Feng means wind and Shui is water.  

One of the five branches of Chinese Metaphysics, it is both a study and a discipline. Feng Shui focuses on one’s personal space and the balance and flow of natural energies (Qi) of the living world. In Feng Shui, there is an understanding that through energy flow we can design our spaces to support and nourish our lives. The Chinese were one of the first cultures to discover that humans and our entire universe are comprised of pure energy. Modern-day science confirms this. 

The positive aspects to Qi flow brings about positive shifts in our world; our health, relationships, career, money, love and more. Less than positive or negative Qi flow can keep us stagnant. When using Feng Shui we take into account the 5 element theory and the Trinity of 3 lucks; Heaven, Man and Earth. These lucks accompany us throughout our lifetime and have an equal bearing on our fate.  Earth luck refers to the factors represented by the living natural environment around us. 

Working with Feng Shui with an open mind and clear goals can support positive change. Life doesn’t need to be difficult.

 A Chinese Luo Pan compass is the principle tool of a Feng Shui Consultant. In addition to taking accurate compass directions, the intricate formulas determine direction, time, and the qualities of the individual sectors of a building for occupants. Precise placement of items and symbols of Feng Shui can then be determined.

Feng Shui Compass and floor plan